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new kitten owner


Hi I will be getting a 5 month old ragdoll rescue in a few days and have a few questions. I wanted to know the best way to protect it against electrical cords. Also what is a good type of food to feed (I bought Eukaneuba dry and can) and how often since I can't free feed as I also have dogs in the house. Lastly will it be up all night playing at that age or do they settle down and sleep in the bed with you and IF it does want to play at night how best to handle that situation to not start any bad habits?

Hi Stacie,

To protect against a cat chewing electrical cords go to a hardware store and get something called wire looms. They look like this;
Put your wires in them.

Eukaneuba is an ok food but I would go with a low or no grain food. Wellness, EVO, Nature's Variety and Eagle Pack are all good examples of this. On the packages are tables of how much to feed your cat. Split the amount up and feed him 2-3 times a day.

He shouldn't be up at night. You should try to play with it in the early part of the evening. This should tucker the kit out and he should sleep through the night. If he does want to play during the night ignore him. He will learn when playtime is and adjust to it. He should start to sleep with you within a week or two after he explores everything. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen