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new mother and sister cat behaviour


hi, I have two issues that are a big problem with my two sister cats after one has given birth ( 6 weeks ago).

The first issue is that the cats still cannot get along. the sister is very agressive to the mother and hisses/swipes growls at her when near. This has not got any better throught the 6 weeks and I don't know how to make it any better. even though the sister has been spayed

The mother usually closes her eyes and doesn't react to the agression.

the second problem is with the mother cat. she does not like attention since giving birth. she used to be very affectionate. she also is constantly meowing. she has plenty of food and sometimes leaves some, but does not stop meowing for someothing. she wants to stay indoors all day but no longer stays with her kittens so this cannot be the cause.

i'd welcome any help as we are desparate with the fighting
and meowing.

many thanks

Hi Elli,

The mom cat may be going into heat again. This would explain alot of the behavior you are describing. If she isn't with the kittens I would say that most likely this is what is happening. Get her fixed and all of your problems should be ok. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen