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Senior Feline 16 yrs


In the past year or so we have been noticing pattern changes. Cuddles will create a pattern of leaving her bed to walking to food and drink then walking to my bedroom and back to her bed then repeat it all again and again. But that stopped. Summer came and she seemed rather content until Sept. She started begging to go out more often and we let her with supervision but now she's constantly in a different pattern, bed - kitchen door - my bedroom looking out the window - back to door, etc. Now she's very aggitated and unhappy and is waking me up at night therefore creating me anxiety and now I'm back on meds for that and high blood pressure. I have put her on herbal anxiety meds for animals and it's starting to calm her down some but I'm not getting my rest. I'm only away from the house an hour or two at a time and when I get home she's always in her bed or getting out of the bed. Is she playing me or is there a good reason for this. If she sees I'm going towards the back door she thinks it's time to go out. I think she has dementia cause I just went thru this with my mom and she passed in August. I need help with this please. By the way she eats, drinks, goes potty loves all the attention we can give her and has never been a problem at night except for these last few years.

Hi Donna,

I would get her to the vet for a checkup. A restless cat at night could be a warning sign of hyperthyroidism in cats. Or she is needing to go out more because she could have the beginnings of an Urinary Tract Infection. She will need to urinate more often from that. A trip to the vet is definitely warranted here. Here's a link that has some pretty good info.

Please remember that dementia in a cat is a lot different than that in a human. With a little accommodation your cat will be comfortable and happy. Try adding vitamins to her diet. I recommend these.

Hopefully your vet gives her a clean bill of health. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen