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male cat spraying



I have a female and a male persian cats. My female gave birth to two male boys 4 weeks ago, therefore I had to separate my adult male from the female with a wire fence just to avoid him harming the new borns. My adult male is around 1 yr and 4 months and he never sprayed before. Today, I surprisingly found urine stains on the floor next to the wire fence!!
What do you think triggered this? Is he trying to mark his territory because of the 4 weeks old males?? or is he doing this to attract the female for mating?
BTW, my female is currently in heat.

Is there anything to do to maybe eliminate this behaviour? I know neutering is an option, but I am planning on using my adult male for breeding purposes. (He never mated before)


When females are in season, males will often spray as an "answer" to their calling.  There is nothing I know that can safely curb this beahvior.  And even the things that may not be safe often dio not work.  If you are going to keep a whole male, spraying goes along with it.

Sorry I coald not be of more service.

Best regards.... Norm.