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Cat poops on floor


Hi Karen. I have a 12 year-old male cat named Gray. Lately Gray has stopped pooping in his litter pan. He still urinates in it but will poop on my family room carpet. He is the only animal in my house. Nothing has changed in my home except my 16 year-old granddaughter is here for the summer. I clean his pan regularly. I am at a loss. Any ideas?

Hi Barbara,

Take your cat to the vet to make sure he isn't sick. Changes in litter habits can sometimes signal health problems. You need to make sure nothing new has popped up. If he gets a clean bill of health then try doing these things next. I would get a good enzymatic cat urine and stain cleaner. Use this on the areas that he has been substituting for the litter box. This will help remove temptation to use the wrong area. Get him a litter box like this. He may have had some constipation and is associating the litter pan with the pain he had. A new box will help that. And I've found that this box is just what cats love.

Get this scoop for it. Makes your life easier.

Try using this litter.  

Pet Smart and other stores carry it. It should help him getting used to the box again. If he doesn't like it try a natural non clay type of litter. Change in litter texture could make a difference.

You can give him this. Or something like it.

Might calm him down and remove some of his fear of the box. He might be under some stress from your granddaughter. Also try some Feliway Comfort Zone. This will also help.

I think if you do this stuff he will start to use the box again. Also positive reinforcement helps. When he uses the box and you see him do it, praise him. I believe you will see a big change in him soon. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen