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Siamese cats meow


I have a 6 month old male, neutered siamese cat. He meows all the time and they are "long-voweled" meows! (I can't describe it any other way!) He always has food, water and plenty of attention. Is he lonely? Is he calling for a female? It's not bothersome, I just want to be able to provide him with what he wants! Or is he just being vocal, to hear his own voice, so to speak?  Thank you!

Hi Cindy.  This is part of the Siamese's charm!  The Siamese is the most vocal of all breeds, and they are known to sound more human-like than cat-like when they talk.  It's normal for them to speak loudly and frequently, and their meows do sound rather forlorn.  They are often mistaken for a baby's cry.  Generally, this is simply a Siamese being a Siamese.  However, if you notice any strange symptoms, such as hiding or lethargy, you should have him seen by a vet, as excessive crying could mean he's suffering from a physical illness or from anxiety.

As an aside, I don't think it would be a bad idea to get him a kitty playmate if that's something you would consider.  Siamese cats crave constant attention, and though they prefer the attention of their humans, a cat friend can help keep this highly active breed content when the humans aren't around.  Siamese who are left completely alone may tend to experience separation anxiety.