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8 month old cat has a kitten


Please help! I just found my cat's kitten. I knew she was pregnant and I don't know when she had it. It is not walking and doesn't open its eyes yet. There is dried blood on the box that they are in. Is there any way to know when the baby was delivered? Is there anything I can do to make my "mamma" cat more comfortable? Is it okay for me to pet the baby? I've never done this before please help me!!

It is only a few days old at best. The dried blood is probably from the delivery. You need to do some very specific things. First off, your mom cat is way to young to have had a kitten. She may have been physically able but she is not yet even an adult cat herself. Also, one kitten is very unusual. So first off you must take kitten and mom to a vet immediately. Typically cats have a litter, not just one kitten. She may still have kittens in her perhaps even dead and she needs an exam immediately to find out. She should also be spayed as soon as the vet says she is ready. She could become pregnant again before she is a year old and she is way too young for this to be happening. Even for the long run, all pets should be spayed or neutered and breeding left exclusively to professionals. There is good reason for this as you are about to see. First off, you need to be very educated in these things in order to breed humanely and with the health and welfare of the animals cared for. Second, there are things you will need to do and costs you will need to bear. As stated your mom and kitten need a vet visit to clear up that mom is in good health and that the kitten has nothing wrong with it. Typically a vet exam is given BEFORE the cat delivers her kittens. Also, your mom cat, especially being too young, will need supplementation to her diet. I recommend feeding her kitten foods and also giving Cat-sure milk replacement to her for nutrition. Never give milk though - causes diarhea and can be diasterous. Same goes for kittens. Now mom may or may not feed the kitten and you will have to watch. Again because she is too young, she may not get things right. If the kitten is not getting fed enough you will have to do it or at least supplement mom's feedings. this means buying KRM milk replacement and a pet bottle top bottle feed the kitten. Also before and after feedings you need to gently rub the kittens belly with a damp cotton ball to stimulate pee/poop or the kitten won't be able to go. You can certainly touch the kitten and should do that - well in view of mom cat; you don't want to take the kitten away from her. You should also be sure that mom and kitten have a nice private place to be, maybe a pet bed or soft blankets to cuddle in, and are warm, away from drafts. This is alot for you to take in, so I recommend you see your vet and get started with that. then see how mom is doing and if you need to intervene in the kittens feedings and so on. See how things go and feel free to write me again as you go along.