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My cats shy and dosent like people

20 16:43:41

The cat is 2 years old, it has always been an outdoor cat so i dont want to freak him out, and he only goes out the cat door and stays in the back-yard. He had a really good friend at his old owners.

I hope this gives you more information

Followup To
Question -
In september I got a male tabby cat from a owner who had 4 other cats and was trying to give them away because they just got a dog. When i first got the cat it always was hiding (whitch i was told is very normal when you first get a cat). After ywo weeks it whould come out and wonder around and look out the windows, but Lexus (my cat) will never go around people and is always shy, all my friends cats are very playful, whats wrong?

P.S. My cat is a tabby cat whitch is indor/outdoor
Answer -

First of all, it would be wise, safer and healthier, if you would make your cat an indoor cat only.  

You don't say how old your cat is.  But if it's an older cat, then it's a little harder for the cat to adjust.  It will take lots of time.  Just be very affectionate with it and play with him/her a lot.  Chances are it won't always be shy.  Keeping the cat indoors will also help it get adjusted more easily.  Is your cat an only cat?  There are many things that factor into this.  Write again if you need further help.


Since he is an older cat, it might take him a few months to warm up and be friendly ..... just give him the love and attention cats need, and he will be fine.  And as long as you are sure he goes nowhere but the back yard, he is probably safe.  

Good luck,