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help please


I have a problem getting my cats to get along, I saved a half simease cat 6 months ago and he is now 7 months old. I just rescued 2 days ago another full simease female who is only 3 months old. They do not get along! She hisses and growls at him constantly and although he doesnt hiss or growl at her, he will not leave her alone! He follows and chases her everywhere and she hides from him. Please if you know what should I do?

They should really be completely separated for the first 3-7 days.  During this time, keep the new one in one room.  Then once a day, put the male in the room and let the female roam, so they can get used to each other's scents.  You can also feed them on opposite sides of a door, so they associate one another's presence with this positive experience.  Then try feeding them at opposite ends of the same room at the same time, and move the bowls a little closer daily.  Keep visits short at first, and then lengthen them as they get used to each other.  It usually takes a couple of weeks (sometimes much longer) before the hissing and growling stop completely and you can leave them alone together.