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persian cats for India?


Hello there,
I have a friend who is thinking of buying a Persian cat. However the problem is that we stay in India where the Climate is usually hot throughout the year. do you think it is possible for her to have a persian or will the hot conditions be too much for the cats to handle. she by no means wants to endanger the happiness or health of the cats. let me know

Sorry, but my first reaction is, don't they have air conditioning in India?  
My second is, goodness, some of the finest Persians I know of come from hot climates, such as Florida and Southern California, so the issue isn't the climate, it is what can be done about environmental control inside your house. (Presumably your friend doesn't intend to let her Persian wander outside.)

It is quite possible to shave down a Persian in the summer, too -- many U.S. breeders do this and their cats wear what is called a "lion cut" all summer long. So your friend could consider that route as well. She might also want to consider an Exotic, which is essentially a short-haired Persian -- the same overall structure and sweet expression, but about 1/4 as much coat.

Hope this helps
