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Cat on the Roof of the Car

20 16:45:15

Hi Barb,
Would you believe I e-mailed you last week about my mom's fear of cats.  Well, here's another one for you.  One of the neighbor's cats has been climbing on the roof of my mom's car and sitting there late at night.  I've seen the cat on one occasion and she has seen it on another. I don't know how often this has been happening, but we are both quite upset about the possibility of the car getting scratched or damaged.  I have not spoken to the neighbor yet, but I guess we will need to address this. DO you have any suggestions ?  Thanks again.

Hi Marie,

Believe it or not, you have nothing to worry about.  Cats are the most graceful, careful animals on earth.  This cat cannot nor will not damage or scratch the car!  Trust me.  I have had cats all my life, and the biggest problem I've ever had is paw prints on my car.  There is no way a cats claws are strong enough to scratch the paint anyway.  Please just put it out of your mind.  The cat won't hurt your car.  

It's a pity your neighbors do not know how to take care of cats.  They have no business being outside and especially at night.  Oh well....  But please put your mind at ease about this, ok?  And please write again if you have any other problems.  I always like to help.  Hugs,  Barb