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Cat spray :-(


 I was just wondering if you could tell me something about the cats spraying.  I was under the impression that it would stop or atleast  slow down a considerable amount after they had been fixed, but it seems to be more frequent now. help please! :(


Usually cat spraying does stop once the cat is fixed.  However, there are a couple of other things that can be going on.

(1)  The cat may be having a physical problem with the urinary tract, not at all unusual in neutered males.  Also, it takes up to 6 weeks after neutering for all the male tendencies to go away.  Sometimes your vet can prescribe a hormone like Meg-Ace to see if that helps.  Like any hormone therapy, it must be done carefully and the cat needs to be weaned off of it gradually once it starts.  A reasonable regimen would run about 3 weeks,

(2) It could also be behavioral.  There can be new cats in the area who are spraying, enticing your boy to reinforce his territory.  If you have not cleaned up previous areas with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet odors and pet stains (available in most pet supermarkets or farm stores), you may want to try cleaning up with this.  If he sprays in only one room, you could try a Feliway diffuser (available in most pet supermarkets).

Also, I am referring you to an excellent article written by a vet on many facets of inappropriate feline bathroom habits.

Best regards... Norm.