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I have a six month old female black and white kitten who is very fit and fast and playful but doesn't seem to have any voice except a small squeak. I've never had a cat without a voice before and wonder if it's a natural thing, a development problem or whether she was damaged when she got caught in a shutting door the first week we had her. She didn't seem particularly injured at the time. Thank you for your time.

As long as it's consistent, it can be considered normal.  There are actually breeds of cats that have more of a tiny cheep than a meow, like the Persian.  It's not terribly uncommon in mixed breeds.  

There is some speculation that this "silent meow" is perfectly audible to other cats, but that it's just too high-pitched for humans to really hear.  Cats can hear pitches octaves higher than humans or even dogs can.

If it came on suddenly, then there may be cause for concern.  It could indicate a sore throat, which may need antibiotics to clear up.