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cats knee


my cat was malled by a dog. he has torn ligaments on right rear knee.some vets say cut off leg.I do not wish to .could I just leave it alone,is there a brace available please advise

Unfortunately i am not a vet and so cannot say what other treatment is available.

I am based in the Uk and I know of a vet in this country who does some marvelous rebuilding work on animals legs, they call him the bionic vet, he is amazing. So i would have thought that somewhere in the USA someone else would be able to advise your more if your cats particular injuries can be fixed or not. Perhaps contact one of the big animal charities in your country and see if they can advise further perhaps the ASPCA.

Sometimes though if the leg is too badly damaged there is no other option than to amputate but cats can live a perfectly normal and happy life with just three legs

i have a page about this on my site for more information


best wishes Kate