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my two cats one boy one a girl


my cats were born april 7th it seems she is in heat only by the fact the boy is
now following her everywhere today and trying to mate
should i seperate them for a while
they will be going to the vets to be spayed and neutered at start of october
so should i call vet and get it done earlier say 5months old or leave it till then
and back to original question should i keep them apart


It is very possible the female is beginning to cycle.  At nearly 5 months it is not too early to get them spayed and/or neutered now.  Otherwise, you will have to separate them.  She will be capable of conceiving, but is much, much too young to be having kittens.

Studies funded by the Winn Feline Foundation have shown that neutering/spaying can be done as young as 12 weeks:

Best regards... Norm.