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hair loss


hi Jessic,

last night when i play with my 9 weeks siamese kitty, i found she lose a lot of hair and my bf says he found her hair coverd his black pants couple of day ago too. so im just wondering if i should be concerned? i dont know if its normal since i do notice her coat has been changing color quite a lot lately.


Hi Lavi,

Kittens will start to shed their fuzzy kitten fur and grown in some more rigid, shiny adult hair as they get to be a few months old.  It's possible that she's beginning to shed her kitten coat and grow in her adult coat now.  As long as the fur loss doesn't appear patchy, you don't see any broken or irritated skin, and there isn't evidence of itching such as scratching or excessive biting or licking, I wouldn't be concerned about it.  If you start noticing bald patches or she's scratching or biting herself a lot, she should get checked out by a vet.  This could indicate that she herself has allergies or a skin infection, fleas, or less commonly, mites.