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My cat Kyra


My cat Kyra is 18 and one half old. A few days ago, she stopped eating, and is only drinking water. Sometimes she is very unbalanced, and seems like she is lost. She is also very thin. I know this is her age, but she is such a good friend. I dont know what to do. Please advise, if possible

Hi Denise,

Sorry to hear Kyra isn't feeling well.  She should see a vet.  There are a number of reasons why she may not be eating, but normal aging won't cause this.  A bad infection will, and it's possible all she needs is a good antibiotic to get her back on her feet.  However, depending on what's found during her physical exam, the vet may want to run some blood tests.  Kidney disease can cause these symptoms, too.  Less commonly, so can liver problems.  These will both be diagnosed on blood tests.

During the physical exam, the vet will check your cat's oral cavity to make sure that she doesn't have oral ulcers, periodontal disease or growths that could be causing her too much pain to eat.  They'll also feel her abdomen to check for any obvious abnormal masses that would suggest cancer or a foreign body she may have swallowed.  If anything is felt, an x-ray or ultrasound might be recommended.  Sometimes an elevation of certain white blood cells on blood tests can indicate the presence of cancer, as well.

No matter what is found, Kyra definitely needs some supportive care right now.  Maybe an appetite stimulant, a special food, and some fluids under the skin if she is dehydrated will be helpful.  If necessary, it's better to make a compassionate final choice for her than for her to continue on not eating, getting weaker and starting to suffer.

Best wishes,