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1-kitten litter


My cat has had 3 litters. The first was 5 kittens and two died shortly after birth. The second was a deformed kitten with two faces, which passed away after 2 days. She gave birth to another kitten today but it's the only one. We have a home for it already when it's ready. Will it learn the same lessons if it doesn't have any younger cats to interact with? Our youngest is 8 months old. I don't want to give away a cat that will have biting issues. Also, is it possible that our mother could be unhealthy in some way? We've bred cats before and have never come across a deformation, 1-kitten litter, or death from an unknown source.

Hi Kelsey,

Sorry it took me so long to answer here- Christmas madness. The kitten should have no problem learning its lessons. One cat litters do fine. The only thing I would worry about it is keeping warm. You might want to place a heating pad under on side of the nesting box for the kitten to go on if it gets cold. Cold is the number one killer of kittens.

I definitely would worry about the Queen having defective genes. Is it the same Tom who is impregnating her? I would just get her neutered and be done with it. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen