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cat disappeard


I relocated from Alabama to Arkansas and brought two cats with me. I kept them inside for a few days, then took them out one at a time on a leash, then the next day I let them go outside without a leash. One came back and the other didn't. I am wondering if I let them out too soon and that one is trying to find his way back to Alabama. I just would like your opinion on this.  Thanks

Hi Mark,
So sorry to hear about your missing cat.  It may have been too early to let them out to explore their new surroundings.  I have had indoor/outdoor kitties before, and usually waited about a week or so to let them out.  I read an article not long ago about a cat that did, indeed, make his way back to his former home, states away.  While that is possible, it is also possible that your cat is perhaps disoriented or just off exploring.  I am hopeful that is the case, and that he returns home safely.
Best of luck,