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cat delivery


my male cat does not seem to want to leave my queen cat alone. she is exhibiting the middle stages of delivery and i am not sure if it is ok for him to be around or should i put him away. they are both very close to each other and im not sure he will interfer.

Hi Dianne, if she is actually in labour then I would take the male away from her. Let her do that by herself. she will be in terrible pain and not thinking like her normal self and another cat around will just be confusing for her. Once the kittens are born and nursing ok then you can let the male out loose again. The mom cat will decide if she wants him there at that time. Is he un neutered?? If he has not been neutered then you don't want him near her at all!! he will be trying to breed her as soon as the kittens are born.. but if he is neutered he should be fine with her. Teresa