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My poor cat..........

20 16:41:33

Just found this site and thought I'd try it out.  I am moving in with a friend who has a cat - a rather dominant one. My cat has always been an only cat and is used of having the run of my place.  Now he will have to adjust to a new home and a new pet in the home - one that like to push him around, eat his food, use his litter box etc (we've been trying to get them used of each other - not going over too well!!).  My question is, how do I help him adjust to all these new things, so he is not traumatized when I move.  Help!  I am feeling guilty!  Looking forward to your answer!
Thanks,  Terri  

You will need to ask a vet this, yet some vets recommend cat safe baby powder put on them for a couple of weeks because the cats if they smell the same, they will act like family. You should watch the cats when together and sometimes keep them apart with a window inbetween{door window}. Talk to the vet about the baby powder idea. Good luck and sorry. Not all baby powder is safe for the cats.