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stray cat pregnant


There is a stray cat that roams the neighborhood, and several weeks ago we noticed that she began to get large in the stomach area, and the nipples grew to be pink and swollen. Yesterday I saw her, and she wasn't as big anymore, and it looks as though she had the kittens. She shows no signs of even giving birth. I have been monitoring her trying to see if she is going to her kittens, but no signs. She normally sleeps in my utility room and i looked there for them, but no sign. Is is possible that this cat has not given birth yet, or that she has just given birth and abandoned her kittens?

Hi Laura,

Cats are very good at hiding their litters. If you think she had the kittens then she probably did. She has them somewhere close by. You really have to watch where she goes. If she pops into any real small areas then you can bet that's where she has the kittens. Feed her kitten food for her extra nutritional needs now. And if she sleeps in your utility room she may move them there if you feed her there. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen