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tummy bug?


My 5 month old kitten has had diarrhea since sunday and has been sick 3 times
times in the last hour. Could it be a tummy bug or the food he is given? He is an indoor
Cat at the moment. How long do I wait before I take him to the vet?

make sure he drinks plenty of water to prevent dehydration. this is the main concern at this time.

It could be either a bug or the food, kittens can be very susceptible to all sorts of bugs etc.

Please see my page about cat diarrhea for more info on how to help them at this early stage


If he is still the same in another two days or if he gets worse or stops drinking water then get him to the vets.

Hopefully it is is a just a tummy bug which will sort itself out in a day or two.

best wishes KAte