Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > 6yr old female cat cries nonstop all day all night everrryyday and just getting worse

6yr old female cat cries nonstop all day all night everrryyday and just getting worse


ive had my female since she was 6weeks old she is now about
6 yrs old. the crying started when i moved back home and was
about 4yrs ago now.. i have 2 male cats as well and theyve
all been together since they were kittens. she now cries
nonstop all day everyday and its driving me crazy . i use to
think she just wanted attn because when i would say her name
shed run to me lie down and go to sleep but now that doesnt
even stop her and its driving everyone in the house nuts
including myself. shes my girlie and i dont want to have to
get rid of her but i dont know what to do to make it
stop...also these last few days shes start smacking and
hissing at one of the males which has never happend before  
<hes a flame point himalayan and shes tortie point> the
other is just a stray tomcat i took in about 5yrs ago now. i
hope you can help me because im running out of things to do  

Hi Kim,

I really think it sounds likely that your girl is suffering from some anxiety.  Excessive vocalization is a major complaint of owners whose cats are feeling severely anxious, and unprovoked aggression can also stem from anxiety.

Some people find that using a product like Feliway can help resolve behavioral problems caused by anxiety.  This is a synthetic pheromone.  Pheromones are hormones that cats release through cheek glands, which promote a sense of calm and safety.  Feliway makes a plug-in diffuser that will fill the air with odorless pheromones to help relax your cat.  See to learn more.

However, cats with deep anxiety issues might require an anti-anxiety medication to correct their behavior.  There are many medications that can help, although Prozac seems to be the most successful and has the fewest side effects.  The good news is that most cats only need to take the medication for a few months until their condition has improved.  Then they are able to be tapered off, and the behavior does not return.  

You should talk to your vet about her general health and the possibility of anxiety.  Some medical conditions such as high blood pressure, often caused by an overactive thyroid, can also cause these symptoms.  However, she is a little young to be the typical patient for this disease.

Good luck!
