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Cats anal glands


I have had cats all my life and have loved them all. I am perplexed over the behavior of one of my current felines. She is an 8 year old domestic female spayed cat. She has a problem with her anal glands that when she is in a "loving" mood and is being petted, she will squirt a brown foul smelling liquid. Whatever it hits then must be washed. She doesn't act like her anal glands need to be expressed because this only happens maybe once every two months or less. Her behavior in all other areas is completely normal. She's a good eater, sleeper, and player. What can I do? I never know when it's going to hit and makes me shy away from petting her while in bed or on the sofa in fear she will squirt on the upholstery. Thank you.

Hi Robert,

Isn't that the worst smelling stuff around? I just got squirted myself by one of my cats two days ago so I can really sympathize. Cat anal glands are something you really don't hear too much about.
Has your cat's food changed recently? Sometimes this will cause a backup of the fluids. Some cats need a high fiber food, (usually dry), so their glands will express properly. Watch her and see if she scoots around on her rear. This is a big clue that her glands are full and bothering her.

You might want to take her to a vet and have her checked out to make sure there isn't anything wrong with her glands. Also have the vet show you how to express them on her and do that as a regular part of her grooming.

And there is one very easy thing to do that I do. Usually touching the hindquarters of the cat causing this expressing of the fluid. So I don't touch them. I know that sounds like a bad punchline to an old joke but it works. Good luck and let me know if these tips help you.

Ciao, Karen