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my little girl wont use the box


ok , i have 5 cats and only have this problem with May- May , She will pee in the box but sometimes she will go in the sink or ugh even on the stove , and she will not do # 2 in the box at all , i love her to death and we have taken her to the vet and there is nothing medically wrong with her and we haven't made any changes like in the choice of litter , boxes , or cleaners . HELP !!!!


I tend to recommend that you have one litter box per cat plus one on each level of your home. It may be that there is too much traffic around the area where the litter boxes are and May-May may be uncomfortable. Cats do like to eliminate in relative peace, quiet and privacy. I would also suggest that if you have air fresheners or use scented litter that you change your litter box areas to a scent free zone, it may be that May-May has a sensitivity to the artificial scents in these products. I recommend that you clean any areas that May-May has gone to the washroom in that you would prefer that she doesn't with an enzymatic cleaner. An enzymatic cleaner uses beneficial bacteria to eat at the substances in biological waste that allow them to smell. It is possible that your kitty may be making the mistakes repeatedly by smell alone. You can generally find enzymatic cleaners at pet or janitorial supply stores. So long as the vet has ruled out bladder or urinary tract infection, crystals or stones in her kidneys, bladder or urinary system in generally then it becomes a bit of detective work on your part. If you are able to think of any reason that your kitty may have had to avoid the litter box that may help. Your vet may be able to offer drug therapy to help this kitty go to the litter box. You can try attractants sold in pet stores to increase the chances that May-May will use the litter box. I do think that because this is ongoing and is not easily figured out you may want to ask your vet for a referral to an animal behaviorist to help you solve the litter box issues that May-May has. I wish that I could offer more help, unfortunately I do think that these issues are going to require some degree of professional help. Please feel free to keep me updated on how things happen with May-May's treatment plan. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again.