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difficulty raising two abandoned kittens


i took two two newborn kitties from a drain a few days ago..i took them to the vet and  they said that they could ba saved if i nursed them well..this is my third day..i think they are about two days old as their eyes are still closed..i have this difficultly after nursing them..they keep crying non-stop..i have two,one seems to be quite weak,the other is quite active,..the active one cries louder ,n cant stop moving..i"ve  followed the  vet perscription,fed them the way i should,but i still don"t understand why they keep crying??..i want to save this two kittens so badly..i really need your help..thankss

Hi Pink,, this is a tough job and you deserve kudos that you have even kept them going this long ! Now did the vet tell you about getting them to go poo and pee? this is very important and they will die if they don't go. they need to be stimulated after eating by using a wet warm paper towel and gently massaging their genital areas. They should be having soft yellowish bowel movements and they should be passing quite a bit of urine each time you feed them. Do you have them on a heating pad? they should be on a heating pad set to warm with an area that is covered well so that they can move away from the heat if they need to. Also they may not be getting enough to eat. How much are they taking at each feeding?
Can you put an ad in the local papers to see if anyone has a mom cat that is nursing kittens that you could put these ones on. It would be so much easier but in the meantime keep up the good work ! Teresa