Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > 16 1/2 MALE WITH EXCESSIVE DRINKING



Bill  just loves his water bowl and want it filled at all times, and then he moves it and spills.  He drinks a lot but has been tested for diabetics  x 2 both have been negative. could it be any thing else?

Hi Joan,

There are two other medical reasons for the excessive thirst. One could be his thyroid and the other could be a urinary tract infection.
Is this something that he just started doing? Or has he been doing this for a while? Is he actually drinking a lot of water or is he just playing with it?
I have two cats that move the water bowl around so that the water moves. They then drink from the bowl. It seems the reason for this is that they can't see the level of water in the bowl and are gauging where it is. A quick fix for this is to put either ice cubes in the water or to use food coloring. Try this and see how this works. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen