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neutered cat ran away


QUESTION: Hi.  I have a cat, Lucky, approx. 12-13 years old.  Very skittish. Has been missing for about 3 weeks.  I have seen him in the driveway at times and called for him but he just runs off.  Is is possible for a neutered cat to run away?  Why would he?  And why won't he come home?  He was here faithfully for morning and evening meals (wet food) and I keep dry food out for him all the time.  I have another cat that is out on my deck by himself now.  They have a house with a light in it to keep them warm on cold nights.  Could Lucky have found a new home and forgotten that this was his home for the past 13 years?  Confused and missing my Lucky!  Thanks for any insight you may give me.

ANSWER: Teresa,

At age 13 Lucky is geriatric and may be having some health issues which could contribute to his confusion.

If you really want to catch Lucky, you can leave food and water in your garage with the door open just enough for Lucky to get in and see if he will let you pick him up.  If this does not work, you can get a "have a heart" live trap from your local animal shelter or humane society and catch him using his favorite food.

Once you catch him a trip to the vet would be a good idea to see if there is some physical problem causing the behavior.

Although it is possible someone else may have taken in lucky, I am not sure why he would keep coming back.  If he is suffering some health issues, your other cat may be taking advantage of it and giving Lucky a hard time.

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Norm. I am seeing more and more of Lucky. I went out to feed the other cat, Mr.Kitty, this morning and Lucky was out there but ran away when I opened the door.  I know that the other cat would not bother Lucky as he is more laid back and more of a people cat.  Lucky is a little wild and will not let anyone pet him except for myself.  Is it possible that he is working his way back home?  I know he is out there at night because the entire bowl of food I leave out is gone in the morning.  Mr.Kitty is even older than Lucky and couldn't possibly be eating all that food.  I am just glad to know that Lucky is still around and safe although his habits have changed a bit.  Thank you for all of your help and insight!  I think he is just confused for some reason.


Thank you for the update.

If I had to speculate, Lucky probably came down with something and, at his age, really did get a bit confused.  He is trying to re-orient his world.  It does sound like he is coming back to his old ways.

Best of luck with Lucky!!!!!

Hopeful regards... Norm.