Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > a boy cat

a boy cat

20 16:45:47

Well I'm asking this question about a 2 year old cat that I adopted 1 year ago.I had an older cat before we got this new cat.Foofy (the cat) he gets into my dirty hamper and he either pees or sprays my clothes and it really stinks.He was spayed before I got him.So I would appreciate it if you would answer this question soon because you are my last hope.

Hi Jayme,

Sounds like Fooy is "marking' his territory.   I am guessing that your clothes hamper is the target since your scent is on it.  I'm not much help I"m afraid....  perhaps moving the hamper to another place?  It's hard to say why he is doing it, but maybe if it's not there, he will stop.
I wish I was of more help, sorry.
