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My cat is apathetic


Hello, I was just given a very sweet and affectionate cat a few days ago but unfortunately soon found out that she had ringworm. I thus had to begin a bathing and cream treatment which she certainly doesn't like. What more, she just got spayed the other day. She is an adopted cat and is about one and half. I have brought the the vet and other than the fungal problem she is said to be in tip top condition. What more, I am pushing the name Mulette on her but it appears that she dislikes the French.
 Since she was spayed she has seemed fairly apathetic and I am really worried that she hates me. I don't know if the trauma of all these events has caused her to stop being a happy go lucky cat. If you can shed some light on some of these issues, or why she doesn't have, at the very least, a basic understanding of French that would help me quite a bit. I'm a worried daddy. Cheers

Oh, also, is the laser toy a bad thing?! I love it, but my friends look at me as though I was torturing the cat ... she seems to love it too, but ... perhaps you know more on this.


Your cat is suffering from depression. She has had many changes in her life recently. A new home, a new person, a new name, a new routine, having surgery, and getting bathed.

She doesn't 'hate' you, she just doesn't know you. Right now she may be associating you, and blaming you, for everything going on in her life. If she hated you she would growl, hiss, and claw you. Giving her special kitty treats like some tuna, pieces of raw steak, etc. will help to start associating you with pleasant things. Find something she will go crazy over. Food is an excellent bribe.

Give her time to adjust and to acclimate to her new surroundings. Let her have an area that is hers that is quiet and out of the way. Don't let her have the run of the house at first. The big area is too overwhelming on top of everything else. Expand her areas to explore slowly. Don't rush her. Sometimes just sit with her and softly talk to her so she gets used to you and your voice. It gives you a good opportunity to bond.Try to get her to play. That will help the depression. The pet laser light and a shoestring are excellent for that.

About the name. She is probably used to her previous name and will not respond to the new one yet because it isn't a familiar sound to her. Mulette is a pretty name but it doesn't have a recognizable 'sound' to it. I have found names with a hard T, P, and S get their attention best (I have Tink, Puddin, Skank, etc.). Mulette, or whatever name you decide on, use the name constantly. Don't call her kitty, use her name instead. Examples: when you talk to her, pick her up, pet her, and feed her. If she is napping call her name and when she lifts her head, pet her. Look at her too when you say her name.

About the pet laser light. I think it is the best cat interactive toy ever invented! I use one and I recommend them all the time. I also receive some backlash from people because I do. But as long as the light is NEVER shined in the cat's eyes it is a fun thing and cat's love them.

She will come around and be a happy kitty but it will take some time, patience, and understanding.
