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Kittens Dieing


My Siamese cat just had her second litter of kittens 2 days ago. She had 6, and one by one they have all died, all but one. The same thing happened with the last litter, the last kitten lived for 2 1/2 weeks, then it died. What is happening to these kittens. They are being birthed inside, not being handled, have a heat source next to the cage, but not too much heat. I don't understand why they keep dying. I tried to feed them with the milk replacement stuff i bought after the mom pushed them away, but they weren't moving, they wouldn't even move thier mouths to eat when i squirted the food in thier mouth. But they were breathing. I just don't know what I am doing wrong, if anything.

Hi Jeana, I am sure it is nothing you are doing wrong so don't blame yourself. Look at the mom cats out there delivering kittens under garden sheds just fine !! It can be very frustrating but it sounds like there is something wrong if this has happened twice. Did you use the same male both times? There are blood problems that you need to type both parents for as this can cause newborn fatalities... How much do the kittens weigh at birth? and how long is her gestation? Perhaps she is not carrying them to full term?? Let me know a little more and maybe I can direct you where to go for more info... also your vet can send one of the kittens for an autopsy which may give you more information. An autopsy done at the vet office is not going to give you enough detail. The kitten should be sent to a state/provincial lab for analysis. Teresa