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kitten (maybe 5 ta 6 weeks old)


we recently addopted a small kitten> She looks really malnutrioned,add i think she may have a cold in her eyes.
Just wondering if and or what u could suggest. Not alot of money for vet bills but a whole lot of love and tenderness, Could and would u suggest how and what i might be able to do to get her eyes cleared up real yucky muicuos coming from her eyes! But shes eating great and enerjetic. Thank you senserly ,
           The Walker family

Hi Thomas,
The kitten probably need antibiotics but you can keep it clean and see if it clears up on its own.  Wet a washcloth with warm water and clean the face and eyes as often as needed. She probably needs to be dewormed. You can get dewormer at Walmart.  There are several types of worms, so make sure you get one that takes care of roundworms, hookworms, & tapeworms.  Read the label though to make sure she is old enough and weighs enough to be dewormed. If her eyes don't clear up in about a week, you may need to take her to a Vet so he can give her something to clear it up.
God Bless,