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Teaching Kitten to drink water?


How can i teach my kittento drink water?  He eats his dry food (soaked in water) perfectly fine (although he prefers his formula over everything)but refuses water.  I even tried putting it in his bottle to see if he would drink it, but that didn't work either.  

Hi JoAnne, Thank you for your question. Kittens start drinking water on their own when they are about 6-7 weeks old. It sounds like your kitten may be getting enough liquid with the formula so that is why he is not drinking water from a dish. Does he lap milk from a dish?? If you just cut down on the amount of formula in a bottle you are giving him he should start drinking on his own. He won't drink if he is not thirsty.BUT do not do this if he is less than 7 weeks old. Teresa