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semi feral young tom


First, thank you for being available to answer my question.  I have 2 neutered males, approximately 10 years old each.  Recently a young unaltered male has entered the picture.  I live on 12 acres and have a nice warm barn and plenty of fresh food and water for all.  However, the new tom is not fitting in.  He is being territorial with the community area and food and scaring my other boys away.  There have been 3 incidents (that I know of) where blood has been drawn.  I now feed my 10 year olds inside and have been able to get the new tom to come to me for food and some touch after about 2 weeks.  He has never showed aggression toward me(only the other cats), but scatters if I make any movement - sudden or otherwise.  I would very much like them all to live in harmony and get along as there is plenty for all.  Will neutering (shots etc..) have the effect I am seeking or will he always be triggered toward aggression with my two boys?  How long does it take for the testosterone to leave the system and will that be enough for him to stop overreacting to my boys?  The Humane Society will surely put him down as he is 'feral'.  I hate to sacrifice the calm and serenity my boys enjoy now with this new tom's antics.  Money is not an issue, time is really more of the problem.  They need to get along by spring as we have out of town committments.  I know every situation is different and I have had many a stray wander in from the dust, but he does seem to be a hard case.  I hate to neuter and then "see how it goes" but I would gladly keep him if mother nature could help me out a bit!  Thank you again for your time and consideration.

yes having him neutered will help a lot it reduces the territorial aspect of his nature. However even neutered cats will have the odd spat, so you would have to be prepared for that.

I would recommend having him neutered then keeping him in a separate room for about 10 days and then during that time introducing him to your other cats in a cage. This helps to buld confidence and should help them when you let him out. (ps he does not need to be in the cage the whole time only when the other cats are allowed in the room.

This period of time will alos allow his hormone levels to drop.

best wishes Kate