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Meowing at bed time


We have an eleven year old male neutered cat that has started meowing when we begin to get ready for bed & continues for about an hour after we are in bed.  This has been going on for a month or two.  He has never behaved this way before.  He doesn't do this during the day, other than to tell me that he needs food, water or would like his litter box cleaned.  We also have a nine year old female spayed cat that only comes up from the basement after the children are in bed.  They get along well.
Please help me!  I love my cats, but he is driving us crazy!

well this could be age related. At eleven he is not very old but he is getting on. Some times cats behaviour changes as they get older, they may begin to feel a little more insecure and need more reassurance than before. this could because of eyesight or hearing issues or sometimes even a mild dementia
please see my page about this for more information on this

It sounds to me like he is seeking some attention from you at this time. If possible try to set up a new routine for him to try and settle him down for the night. Something like about half an hour before bedtime try a little game with him, like chasing string etc, this will give him the attention from you he craves and will also help to tire him out for the night. then just before bedtime give him a small meal. again this should help to settle him down. if this new routine is carried out every night it will also help to reassure him.

best wishes kate