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Question about my cat


I have 2 questions about my male cat Marley. He is an inside cat and is peeing and pooping where he wants, when he feels like it he will use the litter box, other times he goes anywhere and it has been going on for about 2 months now. I do have 2 other inside cats with 2 little boxes that are cleaned regularly. Do you know what i can do to get him to stop going to the bathroom everywhere? Also, for about 3 days his stomach is very bloated, almost looks like he is pregnant. He is eating and going to the bathroom fine. None of his normal activity is different. With him going to the bathroom everywhere is it possible he wants to be outside with my out side cats? What could this be and what can i do? Thank you. BobbYjo

Bobby Jo,

Cats usually develop poor bathroom habits suddenly due to a medical problem or some major change in the household. How old is Marley?  Is he neutered? Given the bloating you are mentioning, I might suspect the first step is to have Marley checked out by your vet.

If it is not medical, the problem would be behavioral.  Simple things like changing the type and/or brand of litter might cause issues with litter pan usage.  A new addition to the house (2 legged or 4 legged) might cause issues with litter pan usage. A strange cat hanging around the household might issues with litter pan usage.

I am giving you a link to a series of ecellent articles on feline litter box problems, which may give you some further ideas and suggestions:

Best regards... Norm.