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cat spray has ruined my sofa


I've had my cat Otus for about 5yrs strictly indoors. I love this cat. I recently (6 months ago) brought in a stray female kitten. 3 weeks ago I noticed that Otus is now spraying my sofa. What will stop this behavior??? I may have to put him outside if I can't stop this please help.  

Hi Chris,

A couple of questions I need to ask. Is he fixed? Is he getting along with the female? Is the female fixed?
All of these have a bearing on why your Otus is doing this. If she is not fixed he may be responding to her being near her heat period. He is marking his territory. Same thing if he is not fixed. Fixing both will help. Get a product called Feliway. This will help destress him and help him relax. It works very well to help cats stop spraying. Wash or clean the couch with an enzyme urine remover. If he can't smell where he went , he shouldn't go back there. Try these things and let me know what happens. You might want to have him checked out by a vet to see if he has any urinary tract problems. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen