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I have another kitten, who is also one years old. She is Tucker's sister. Her name is Tinkerbelle, and she gets out side quite a bit. We have always found her, or she comes back home. Lately I have noticed that she seems to WANT to go out. I have also noticed a black and white cat hanging around the neighborhood. Can she have a mate that she tries to go and see? Is there anything I can do? Tinkerbelle is a indoor cat, by the way. Thanks for the help!             Melissa worried


If Tinkerbelle is coming into season, she will want to go out.  If she is not spayed, she needs to be spayed now.  This will help a great deal and help calm the wanderlust.  Also, you need to be careful and try to make sure she does not get out.  The out of doors is a dangerous place for an indoor cat!

Best regards... Norm.