Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > DENTAL PROBLEMS!



Hi, i am taking my cat to the vet on monday as i think he has dental disease. I was wondering, outside this morning i found some of his food coughed up but still whole on the ground. He has dry food. Is this a sign of dental disease or is this something different? Also we are looking after a puppy at the moment an d he ate the food on the ground. Do you know if eating cat food effects dogs? THank you.

I don't think the coughing up of food has anything to do with a dental disease apart from the fact if your cat has tooth ache and cannot chew its food properly they will gulp it down and this can make them sick.

Also I don't think it is harmful for a dog to eat cats food but it is not a good idea as they will gain weight and this is not what you want.

Hope your trip to the vets was Ok today.

best wishes Kate