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Kitten kneeding and trying to suckle


How long will my Siamese/Minx kitten continue with her behavior of kneeding and trying to suckle?
 She is three months old and has been spayed.  I found her through Pets Mart where I am told she and her brother were found abandoned (no mother cat around) at the young age of around 4 weeks.
 She has been with me for one week now and her intence need to kneed and suckle on my neck before she falls alseep(she is with me on my bed) is a mystery to me.  The behavior is strange to me and I try to stop her when she does it.
How long will this behavior last?

Hi Dysthe.  This is a common occurence in kittens who are weaned too young.  Unfortunately, the behavior can last for the cat's entire life.  However, most cats show great improvement.  It may take them up to a year or 18 months old before they really let go of their desire to suckle, and the behavior may still come out during snuggle time once in a while.  But you should see improvement over the next few months.  The behavior is not harmful to her, but if it bothers you, certainly continue to discourage it.