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my two little pukers


Hi Katey!

My cats, Nike and Reebok, (10 and 9 years old respectively) throw up a lot.  They both do it differently, though:

Nike throws up mostly yellow liquid and does it usually on an empty stomach.  Otherwise, sometimes it'll be a hairball or have a little bit of digested food in it.  She convulses quite a lot more and almost always pukes twice in a row.  Over a week she averages 8 piles.

Ree will usually only throw up right after eating.  I think it's because he eats too much.  It's almost a given that if the food bowl was empty for a few hours and he's hungry that he'll eat right away and throw it up (more like regurgitate it) within 30 minutes.  I try to pace him when I'm there but he still does it when I'm gone.  I don't want to have to separate them during feeding or start having specific feeding times but I don't know how to make the little piggy stop gorging himself.  His puke is almost always the just barely digested food and it comes out violently (I call it the projectile vomit).  He occasionally throws up liquid.

They have a vet appt on 9/19 but any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated since two minds are always better than one!

Thank you,

Hi Suzanne,

My cats sometimes also does throw up a yellow or yellowish vomit and its stomach acid.Ree I would deff. take to the vet,Like you have read I work at a vet myself but we have yet to see what Ree is doing. You just might have to put them on different feedings. You could start to try half a cup of food for both then watch them for about 15mins after they eat and see how they act. Im going into work tomarrow(friday) and I will for sure ask my boss about this and get back to you.Ree would proably need to go to the vet as soon as you can take him because it could also be something wrong with his stomach.Is Nike throwing up 8 piles a week or less then a week?!?..Please let me know more about whats going on and ill be sure I can help you

Thanks very much,
