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Can a kitten have ADD


I recently adopted a kitten (4 or 5 months old)from a local shelter, she is very lovable and playful. However there are a couple of things that make me wonder if she isn't ADD. The first is even though she is playful she will not play alone, when I give her a self play toy, she just sits and looks at it, I have to play with her, secondly a lot of times when we're playing she gets destracted by small things like noises in the house or the television(yes in the middle of playing she will stop to check out the television. Is this a sign the Kitten may have ADD. Thank you Will

Hi Will.  Companion animals can have ADHD-type behavioral problems.  This is more often a problem in dogs than in cats, and it tends to be considered a problem when the animal is untrainable or engages in destructive behavior due to hyperactivity.  

With kittens, it's difficult to determine if there's any cause for concern.  Kittens are quite hyperactive to varying degrees, and it's actually all part of development for them to become easily distracted by the smallest things when young.  The ability to pick up on tiny movements and noises outside their direct attention is what makes them great hunters and survivors.  It makes them even better hunters when they're able to tune out the noises and movements that are of no consequence, and this should come with practice.  But remember, some cats will take a strong interest in what's on TV, and this may be a life-long personal distraction for her.  If she seems to really love it, you might want to think about some Video Catnip DVD's to keep her entertained while she's alone, since she's not so sure what to make of the other toys.