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I want a cat!



I 'discovered' cats about 5yrs ago at a friend's house who had a cat. I started
visiting his place just to have playtime with his cat! I really enjoy their
company and would love to own one. Today, I live alone and  work 12hours a
day living in a 1 bedroom flat in central london. I also travel about once a
month for a few days. When I'm not at work, I'm at home (incl evenings and
weekends) so I'll be spending a lot of time then with it

My question is, is it possible for someone in my situation to buy/adopt a cat?
If so, how do they cope with travel? Is it ok to leave the cat for so long during
the day? Is it ok if the cat has no access to a garden?



Cats do remarkably well in the situation you describe.  Most cats can become excellent travelers.  

Part of the trick is to realize that cats operate in all 3 dimensions, so, if the cat is provided with places to stay in the vertical dimension, they are provided much more territory.  A tall, sturdy exercise post wrapped in closed loop carpeting and/or sisal rope with shelves and cubbyholes would be a good investment.  It must be taller than the cat can stretch.

If you are worried about the cat being alone, you can always adopt two, so they can keep each other company!!!!!  However, many cats will just sleep when you are not home.

Please feel free to ask follow up questions.

Best regards... Norm.