Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > NEW BORN KITTEN!



My family and I have just found a 3 day old kitten. She was probably the runt of the litter based on her size, so the mother abandoned her. We didn't know if she would last the night, but thankfully she did! But now she won't eat anything we try to give her! What should we do??? We are also bringing it to the vet later.

You need to keep them warm and give them food every few hours. However it has to be the right kind of food to provide optimal nutrition at this time in their lives and also not to upset their tummies. it can also be quite difficult to get them to drink as you need a special long teet. the vets should be able to help you with these things. In the mean time try spooning some warm kitten milk into her, not too much though.

Please see this page for more information


best wishes Kate