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We recently had to put our cat of 18 yrs to sleep.  We are thinking of adopting 2 kittens from the Humane Society.  We keep our cats indoors and in the past have declawed them.  I have been reading alot lately about the negatives of declawing...what do you think?

Hi Lisa!
Please do not declaw!  It is very cruel I think. From my experience working for two different Vets, I have seen what this entails. It is very painful for them afterwards and sometimes, they won't use the litter box.  It would be the same as someone pulling out your fingernails.  I do not like the proctice and wish it were outlawed.  You can easily train kittens to let you trim their nails, I have trained all of mine. If you start when they are very young, they will not mind.  I have one older cat that fusses when I do it, but she still lets me.  You can buy special cat nail trimmers for less than $5.00. Don't get the huge dog nail trimmers as it is hard to see the nail with those.  Just nip off the ends.  It's really not hard.
I hope you reconsider.
God Bless,