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Wet Cat Nurse and Her own Kittens


I have an abandoned pair of what looks like 3 day old kittens(eyes not open) who have been adopted by my Cat. Her Kittens are about 3 weeks old. Everything seems fine but the little 2 keep have their feeding interrupted by being trampled by the others...Could I give them a part time supplement like Wiskas Cat Milk? Or is there a way for them to have a consistent feeding as I would prefer they had real thing. I appreciate your opinions and any help you can offer.

Hi kendra, Well isn't that quite amazing that you would have a cat that would take these little ones on. If the little kittens are able to nurse at least 4 times a day then I would not interrupt this too much. Even though the others are a little rough that won't do them any harm. Rather than supplementing them what I would recommend is to just hold the bigger kittens more often. Perhaps you could take them for 30 minutes and snuggle with them while you watch a TV show then "mom" will have the younger ones to herself and they can get a good nursing off her. It is quite amazing how durable these little kittens can be! I would say they are better off with a couple of older pushy siblings than to be left alone to fend for themselves or to be fed an artificial milk replacer. Things should be fine. By the time the little ones are 4 or 5 weeks the differences between the two litters will be less obvious.