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bringing a kitten home with a dog


We have a 6 month old German Shephard and have recently brought a 3 week old kitten into our home.  The dog is curious of the cat and the cat stands his ground; hissing and jumping at the dog.  Although, when the cat does this, it leaves behind an awful smell.  He is litter trained.  We are not sure if the cat is spraying due to anxiety or fear or if this is even the case.

Hi Melanie,

Cats have a gland by their anus called an anal gland. It secretes an oily substance that cats "express" on their feces as a sort of calling card that they were there. Some cats can also express them, as yours is, when they are startled. It sounds like your little one isn't settled in yet. You should make sure that you have total control of the dog. He should be on a leash when the kitten is around. You should let the kitten approach the dog rather than the other way around. It will make him feel safer. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen