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Short-haired Tabby

20 16:41:16

Could you please tell me how to get a short-haired female tabby that lives entirely indoors to stop shredding the corners of every couch I get?


Oh my!  Well, does she have a proper exercise post?  I,e, it has to be long enough for her to stretch out her entire body to scratch.  It needs to be very sturdy.  It needs to be covered with a material she will like, like sisal or closed loop carpet.  Having cubby holes and shelves is a plus.

If you have such a contraption, you can spray it with catnip spray (available at most pet supermarkets) to encourage her to use the exercise post.

In the meantime, you can try to disourage her from scratching corners by covering them with something she would hate, like plastic or naugahide, or the like.

I know of no good cat repellents!!!!!

Also, it would be helpful to clip her front claws once every two weeks and her back claws once a month.

Best regards... Norm.

Best regards... Norm.