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Sickly cat


Hi I just got this cat its like not full grown but like a teenage age. Well last night I got her from someone who said she had been abandoned and needed a good home. When I got her I quickly noticed how skinny she was very very bone skinny. I figured it was from being abandoned but on the way home she pooped in my car and it smelled very unusually bad and it was diareah. I got her home and gave her food and water and a litter box and she ate and soon after went diareah in the box and it smells awful! She also has a very rough fur coat and smells horrible. She smells like the smells of dirt literally. So I gave her a bath and she still smells the same. She also has white paws but they are like yellow tinted which didnt go away after cleaning her. I noticed she had fleas as well. I have no idea if this cat ghas had any shots or anything. I just want to know what wrong because she acts sickly. Shes very sweet and id love to keep her.


The first step in all this is to get your new cat to a veterinarian to find out what is going on. There are many causes of diarrhea and it is important to attack all of them.  I am not a vet, but if I had to guess, your new cat probably has worms (tapeworms and/or round worms) and, at the very least should be wormed for both.  These intestinal parasites can also lead to a very dry, dull coat.

After a complete veterinary work up, you will have to see how your cat does before you may want to do anything else.

Please let me know what your vet tells you.

Best regards... Norm.